Friday, April 9, 2010


SELF (That selfish spirit that threatens to take over in any situation or conflict)

When SELF shows up, you have...

-Problems in the workplace - bosses and employees are only concerned with their individual responsibilities and fail to see their job as part of the larger organization

-Problems in parenting - one parent says x, while the other parent says y, and the children are left confused as to which parent to obey

-Problems in marriage - each spouse feels strongly about his/her position and is relentless in proving that they are right

-Problems in ministry - each saint has a different method of evangelizing and they don't let the Holy Spirit lead

-Problems with neighbors - each neighbor fails to have concern for each other and only look out for their family or property

-Problems in relationship with God - God has a way He knows is right, but you have a way you think is better

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