Monday, November 16, 2009


Our Do’s and Should Not’s for Healthful Living

1. Should not make anything or anyone more important than God

2. Should not set up statues or relics and pray to them or make substitutions for God

3. Should not say that you are a Christian, but not act like Christ or speak God’s name flippantly and with disrespect

4. Do respect the seventh day Sabbath as a weekly memorial of God’s work at creation

5. Do treat your parents with respect; a long and emotionally healthy life will be the result

6. Should not willfully take a life or destroy someone with hurtful, angry or inconsiderate words

7. Should not engage in emotional or physical affairs

8. Should not cheat in business, take what is not yours; withhold tithe or skimp on offering; rob or burglarize others

9. Should not gossip (share others' personal information) or lie (even if it's a little white one)

10. Should not envy or harbor discontentment with what you have; be jealous of others

1 comment:

Maggie said...

I love your modern take on these - makes it seem so much more relevant than the old KJV "thou shalt nots". Thanks!!