Monday, March 16, 2009


“I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free.” Free to do whatever I please? Free from religious persecution? Exactly what freedoms are afforded to me?

Well this isn’t going to be an appeal for the separation of church and state.

This is about obeying the laws as an act of patriotism or loyalty and an act of love. How deep does your pride go? How much do you love your country? Do you love it enough to obey its laws? Do you love it enough to follow those laws even when you don’t want to, when everyone else is breaking them or when transgressing them would be easiest thing to do?

Speeding is a problem for me. A sin if you will. My problem does not consume me continually because we don’t have a car, but when we rent or borrow a vehicle I come face to face with my sin problem. I don’t like speed limits. They limit my ability to sin (speed) freely.

Have you ever tried driving on a normal day at 55 mph or worse yet, 35 mph? I did. Yesterday I decided to obey all the speed limits for 1 day.

Here are my observations:

• I’ve been so accustomed to speeding for so long that it feels natural, exhilarating even
• The other drivers became irritated with me for obeying the law because it kept them from breaking it
• They rode my bumper to force me to sin (speed)
• I was not even aware of what the speed limit was on certain roads
• I didn’t even notice when I far exceeded the speed limit, until I heard sirens or saw a police cruiser which caused me to look at the speedometer
• None of the above would have been an excuse if I’d been pulled over

At the end of the day, maintaining a lawful speed requires a conscious effort (mind) and physical action (will) and cannot be just something that I tell myself I’m going to do.

My actions must be based on principle, not on what everyone else is doing. If I’m not aware of the law, it does not mean that I’m exempt from obeying it. Fear of punishment is not a pleasant motivator for obedience.

Obedience must be based on respect and love for the governing entity and the belief that its laws are there for my good….

(to be continued)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that following laws or rules are not easy for anyone. One has to be very committed and have a plan in order to follow them consistently.