Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today I went by my parents for a block party that their community was having. I stayed inside for the whole time and didn't get to meet one single neighbor of theirs. In my passing in and out the front door, I said Hello to whoever I passed. Truth be told, I didn't even make eye contact and could not describe one person who was out there.

My excuse to my parents (not that they asked), was that I was anti-social.

As the words left my mouth, I was convicted that that was one of the biggest oxymorons I'd ever said. An anti-social Christian? How is that possible? A Christian is a follower of Christ and He certainly was not anti-social. As a matter of fact, He received much criticism because He mingled with anyone and everyone who was willing to listen to Him and even with those who were not willing.

The message this Sabbath was on evangelism. The great commission was to "go ye therefore and make disciples," (Matthew 28:19,20). That can't happen if I'm being anti-social.

The real reason behind my anti-social behavior was the problem that Peter had in Acts 10:9-36. Peter was a respecter of persons and the Lord was showing him that He is Lord of all. There has to be love for others and a willingness to endure some uncomfortable situations in order to reach people.

Don't use this as an excuse to go to the club with the "mission" of reaching the lost. This is not an excuse to indulge our sinful desires and cloak it in "being all things to all people."

This is about being like Jesus who mingled among the people desiring their good.

That's my prayer. Let me start in my home with my husband and children (inreach), then take it to the neighbors, friends, strangers and the world (outreach). This is a hard thing--for me, but thanks be to God, with Him, all things are possible.


The Apostle Paul recorded in Philippians 4:11,12, "I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need."

What does that mean?

If I'm "broke" (just barely having enough to get by each month), I praise Him that He sustains me and that I am able to get by.

If I'm rich, I praise Him for the means to further the spreading of the Gospel and I'll give to ministries that are being faithful to the great commission.

If I'm single, I praise Him that I am able to devote my time to His service without having to check with anyone before I go forward in His name.

If I'm married, I praise Him that He's given me someone to walk with me on this journey and to hold me accountable for the way I live my life.

If I have children, I praise Him that there are little ones that are readily available for me to share His love with.

If I have no children, I praise Him that I can be a "foster" parent to those children who have no one to love them they way should be loved.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The Law of God is under attack. Not by those who want it removed from public places. It is under attack by those who are fighting for it to remain there, but who say that it is no longer binding.

They believe that we are under grace, that the law was done away with, and that Christ came to take a way the law.

Then we should be able to lie, commit adultery, steal, take God's name in vain, and kill without penalty. We may be under penalty of the state, but the Lord will take us all to Heaven with our sinful hearts, because the blood of Jesus covers us.


Friends, let us not be found wanting. Let us not excuse sin and think that God will save us in our sins. God wants to save us from our sins. Sin must be put away. We have a part to play in that process. If we willfully sin, there is no more sacrifice for sin, but a fearful looking forward of judgement (see Hebrews 10:26:27).

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



The Lord has ordained a special people to be a spiritual Israel for our time. In Deuteronomy 7:6, Moses records, speaking to the Israelites, "for thou art a holy [set apart] people unto the Lord thy God; the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people [treasure] unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth." [read to verse 11]

Why were the children of Israel special?

They would be the nation through whom Jesus Christ, the Messiah and Redeemer of mankind would come. Genesis 12:2,3 tells us, God speaking to Abraham, "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing; and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee; and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

There are two characteristics that distinguish God's special people. Revelation 12:17 tell us "And the dragon was wroth [enraged] with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant [rest of her offspring] of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." [see Rev. 19:10]

In your searching for spiritual Israel, seek for a people who teachings have the same components that the physical Israelites have. These are all summarized in Revelation Chapter 1:

SALVATION (The Messiah, Jesus Christ, as the only way to the Father)
SCRIPTURES (God's inspired word to us and mirror of His character)
SPIRIT OF PROPHECY (God's guiding servants of reproof and instruction)
SECOND COMING (The eminent return of our Lord)
SABBATH (The day God sanctified as a memorial of His work during creation week)
SANCTUARY (The Jewish temple services that pointed to the Messiah)
STATE OF THE DEAD (What happens when a person dies)
SAINTS (The living servants of the Lord and their ministry on His behalf)

Since the Word of God is from the source of truth, it must be studied "precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:" (Isaiah 28:10). There is no contradiction in the Lord. Any seeming contradiction is in our misunderstanding. God's word make absolute sense. No prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation (see 2 Peter 1:19-21).

Thursday, June 4, 2009


God says, my words shall not pass away

The world says that the law is done away with

God says:

Thou shall have no other Gods before me.

The world says that anything, anybody or even we can be our own gods.

Thou shall not make unto thee any graven images nor bow down to them nor serve them.

The world says that you can have statues around your house, in your yard, hanging in your rear view mirror, etc.

Thou shall not take the Lord's name in vain

The world uses the Lord's name flippantly in sitcoms, stand-up comedy and in choice curses on one hand, and on the other hand, people say that they are Christian and yet deny the Father and His Son in their words and actions

Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy...the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord

The world says that Friday, Sunday or Wednesday is good enough to observe as "my sabbath" or everyday is the sabbath or a few hours of whatever day we choose

Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord they God giveth thee

The world says who are you to tell me what to do and when you become a burden, we'll leave you in a nursing care facility to wither away in loneliness

Thou shall not kill

The world says kill for oil, greed, sneakers, North Face jackets or just because you cut me off in traffic

Thou shall not commit adultery

The world says it's ok to have one night stands, have multiple families, marry and re-marry whenever the desire suits you

Thou shall not steal

The world says charge extra interest, embezzle, rip off, whatever to get ahead

Thou shall not bear false witness

The world says white lies are ok, lies that save people unnecessary hurt are fine, lies to get what you want are justifiable, and besides, everybody lies at some point in their life, so it's unrealistic the think that we can live without lying

Thou shall not covet

The world says that you can have whatever you set your mind to and that if you can conceive it, you can achieve it

What governs our actions, the word or the world?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Books; Visual Media; Self-Gratification (Master...); Sexual Partners; and Other People's Sexual Experiences

All these things stored in our memory, return to our minds and into the marriage bed to defile our relationships. They lead to unfair comparisons and dissatisfaction on one hand and feelings of failure and loneliness on the other and numerous other negative emotions that are not healthy for a marriage.

Some believe that what occurs before you get married doesn't matter or that if your spouse is not directly affected, as in the case of self-gratification or Internet porn, there's no harm. Anything that defiles the marriage, destroys the marriage. Such experiences and the memory of them, or the recollection and continued indulgence of them, cheapens your spouse because it says that "you are not good enough to satisfy me." Anything that robs the affections or becomes more important then your spouse is adulterous.

Evidence is clear that we are a collection of our experiences--good and evil. They shape who we become. By beholding we become changed. It's not too late to start beholding what is profitable for sound character development. David said, "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes," and Paul wrote "Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; if there be any virtue and any praise, think on these things."

Our choices of TV programs, reading material, Internet sites, vacations, hangout spots, friends, family events, etc. are all molding our character--for good or for evil.

Choose Wisely!!!