The weekend after writing PATRIOTISM OF ANOTHER ORDER (Pt. 1), I had the opportunity to drive six hours on the highway. I maintained the speed limit all the way, either going at 55mph or 65mph depending on the Interstate.
In a small town, I was cruising down a mountain, letting gravity do it natural work, not paying attention to my speed and ended up being pulled over for going 48mph in a 25mph speed zone. For one split moment, not paying attention caused me to transgress the law.
Are you beginning to see the spiritual importance here as it relates to the Law of God? Are you beginning to get a clearer picture of the deception that is being preached concerning the Ten Commandments and their validity in our lives today?
This is important friends. This is not legalism. If obeying the law is legalism, then that police should not have pulled me over and I should not have received a ticket. He should be out of a job and the courts should be closed. We would be free to do as we please and there would be no governing body to appeal to.
Can you see the chaos this world would be in. The law is there for our happiness, not to hinder us. Why should God's laws be any different?
Do you get the picture?
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
The outcome of my life will be the result of choices and decisions I’ve made. My upbringing, friends, circumstances and such only serve as influences, but these factors don’t determine the decisions I make. God has given every man (and woman) a measure of the Holy Spirit (1 John 3:24; 4:13). Some people call Him their conscience, the sixth sense, something, someone, etc.
We can have the best of influences and choose to make bad choices or we can have the worse of circumstances and choose to make good decisions. Choice or decision alone is not enough. We have to work toward it. Lay plans in the right direction, etc.
Why my ramblings?
I realize that my children make choices every day, every hour, every minute. I don’t know what they will become. All I can do is pray to the Lord on their behalf, do my best (with God’s help)…
We can have the best of influences and choose to make bad choices or we can have the worse of circumstances and choose to make good decisions. Choice or decision alone is not enough. We have to work toward it. Lay plans in the right direction, etc.
Why my ramblings?
I realize that my children make choices every day, every hour, every minute. I don’t know what they will become. All I can do is pray to the Lord on their behalf, do my best (with God’s help)…
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What vision has God given you? Goals are man made but vision is from God. ~
Your goals must line up with God's vision.
The book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament is one we can glean from. The story of Nehemiah was during the exile of the Israelites from Jerusalem into Babylon. There was a remnant that survived the exile. (Nehemiah 1:1) At the time God gave Nehemiah a vision, he was a servant to the king of Babylon. God gave Nehemiah the vision to repair the wall that once surrounded Jerusalem. Interestingly enough, an attempt to repair the wall had been made by a group before but where they failed, God would allow Nehemiah to succeed.
Once God gave Nehemiah the vision, he then turned it into action. Nehemiah's distress over the destruction of the wall was so great that he couldn't hide his sorrow, not even from the king. Nehemiah 1:4-2:1. Before even being in the king's presence though, Nehemiah consulted God. Let's see how he did it.
Step 1: Nehemiah prayed and fasted
Step 2: Nehemiah asked for foregiveness of his sins and the sins of his people.
Step 3: Nehemiah asked for God's favor. A very important factor in doing anything.
Once in front of the king, Nehemiah was given the opportunity to express God's vision. (Nehemiah 2:4-6) Once given the blessing of the king, he took a small trusted group/team to exam and begin rebuilding the wall. (Nehemiah 2:11-20, 3)
Soon after the rebuilding started, Nehemiah faced opposition. (Nehemiah 4:1-3). How did Nehemiah handle the opposition? He gave the battle to God. Understand that we do not battle against flesh and blood but against the principalities of darkness. (Ephesians 6:12)
Any opposition that we encounter is spiritual in nature so why would you battle what is spiritual in the flesh? (Nehemiah 4:4-5) Once Nehemiah prayed he allowed God to point him in the direction he needed to go.
Of course then the people assisting him became weak. So Nehemiah had to encourage them despite what was going on. (Nehemiah 4:13-14)
This process of dealing with opposition and the people needing encouragement continued in chapter 5. God also provided Nehemiah with the discernment to see what and who was of God and who wasn't as false prophets were sent to further destress him. Nehemiah continued to be in prayer and stayed in God's presence through the process. The wall was completed because Nehemiah sought God throughout the process. (Nehemiah 6:15) He didn't leave God out. Why leave God out of a vision that He gave you? If you do, you delay the fruition of God's vision and even the termination of by you. Remember what I said in the beginning. The attempt had been made before but where the others failed, God allowed Nehemiah to succeed.
Your goals must line up with God's vision.
The book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament is one we can glean from. The story of Nehemiah was during the exile of the Israelites from Jerusalem into Babylon. There was a remnant that survived the exile. (Nehemiah 1:1) At the time God gave Nehemiah a vision, he was a servant to the king of Babylon. God gave Nehemiah the vision to repair the wall that once surrounded Jerusalem. Interestingly enough, an attempt to repair the wall had been made by a group before but where they failed, God would allow Nehemiah to succeed.
Once God gave Nehemiah the vision, he then turned it into action. Nehemiah's distress over the destruction of the wall was so great that he couldn't hide his sorrow, not even from the king. Nehemiah 1:4-2:1. Before even being in the king's presence though, Nehemiah consulted God. Let's see how he did it.
Step 1: Nehemiah prayed and fasted
Step 2: Nehemiah asked for foregiveness of his sins and the sins of his people.
Step 3: Nehemiah asked for God's favor. A very important factor in doing anything.
Once in front of the king, Nehemiah was given the opportunity to express God's vision. (Nehemiah 2:4-6) Once given the blessing of the king, he took a small trusted group/team to exam and begin rebuilding the wall. (Nehemiah 2:11-20, 3)
Soon after the rebuilding started, Nehemiah faced opposition. (Nehemiah 4:1-3). How did Nehemiah handle the opposition? He gave the battle to God. Understand that we do not battle against flesh and blood but against the principalities of darkness. (Ephesians 6:12)
Any opposition that we encounter is spiritual in nature so why would you battle what is spiritual in the flesh? (Nehemiah 4:4-5) Once Nehemiah prayed he allowed God to point him in the direction he needed to go.
Of course then the people assisting him became weak. So Nehemiah had to encourage them despite what was going on. (Nehemiah 4:13-14)
This process of dealing with opposition and the people needing encouragement continued in chapter 5. God also provided Nehemiah with the discernment to see what and who was of God and who wasn't as false prophets were sent to further destress him. Nehemiah continued to be in prayer and stayed in God's presence through the process. The wall was completed because Nehemiah sought God throughout the process. (Nehemiah 6:15) He didn't leave God out. Why leave God out of a vision that He gave you? If you do, you delay the fruition of God's vision and even the termination of by you. Remember what I said in the beginning. The attempt had been made before but where the others failed, God allowed Nehemiah to succeed.
There a few lessons we can learn from the Book Jonah regardless of how short it is. Some of you may remember the story of Jonah as it is a story often told. If not: Here is your chance.
Jonah was a prophet for the Lord. A prophet is a spokesperson or mouthpiece for God. A prophet is called to encourage through God's word, rebuke when necessary and to tell God's people what the Lord is doing or is going to do.
In Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
The Lord gave Jonah an assignment/directive to go the city of Nineveh and preach against it. (Jonah 1:1)
Lesson #1: It is clear when God speaks.
Now there was no mistake that the Lord spoke to Jonah. Some question when God is speaking to them. In John 10:27 it says, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. But if we don't study His word, we don't pray and listen for His direction, then we will never know Him. And if Jonah was a prophet for the Lord, then he knew exactly who was speaking to him. However we see in verse 3 that Jonah refused to do what God told him to do and ran from God, or so he thought.
Lesson # 2 God does not take disobedience lightly, especially if you have said to Him that you are His servant and you will follow him. That's a vow. God is very serious about vows. Jonah thought he was running from God but you can't run from Him. Running from Him means doing the opposite of what He told you to do. We see that God wouldn't give Jonah any peace in verse 4. Jonah thought if he slept he wouldn't know that God was there. God is everywhere! And when you disobey Him you may not only be causing yourself harm but those around you will suffer as well. Those that were on the boat with Jonah going to Tarsus were caught in the middle of Jonah's struggle with God. Have you ever struggled over what God has told you to do? Did you know you could harm others around you by your disobedience? God does this to get your attention so that you see that everything you do or don't do impacts more than just you. In verse 17 it's clear that Jonah wanted to die in order to get out of his assignment. God is the giver of life and death so He wouldn't let Jonah die.
Lesson #3 God does not care about your personal feelings or issues when He tells you to do something. Jonah refused to follow God's direction because he didn't like the people of Nineveh and thought they didn't deserve to hear from God. After being swallowed by the fish, we see that Jonah prayed his way out in Chapter 2. Truthfully, his heart hadn't changed. It doesn't matter if you have racism, sexism, agism, married/unmarried, cultural or any other type of issue against a person. If the Lord is saying you are to do something, get your feelings out of the way. God knew all about Jonah's heart and knew that Jonah didn't like the Ninevites but God was trying to show Jonah that the Israelites were not the only ones who could benefit from God's word. And that he must learn compassion and forgiveness. We see in chapter 3 that the Ninevites turned from their evil ways and submitted to the Lord. Jonah thought they didn't deserve to live and made it clear in Chapter 4. First and foremost we need to understand something from Isaiah 55:8-9.
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Who are we to determine what God does and doesn't do? It is just for us to follow His directions. Not out of fear but out of Love and reverance for Him. But the only way that comes about is stated in lesson #1.
Jonah was a prophet for the Lord. A prophet is a spokesperson or mouthpiece for God. A prophet is called to encourage through God's word, rebuke when necessary and to tell God's people what the Lord is doing or is going to do.
In Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
The Lord gave Jonah an assignment/directive to go the city of Nineveh and preach against it. (Jonah 1:1)
Lesson #1: It is clear when God speaks.
Now there was no mistake that the Lord spoke to Jonah. Some question when God is speaking to them. In John 10:27 it says, My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. But if we don't study His word, we don't pray and listen for His direction, then we will never know Him. And if Jonah was a prophet for the Lord, then he knew exactly who was speaking to him. However we see in verse 3 that Jonah refused to do what God told him to do and ran from God, or so he thought.
Lesson # 2 God does not take disobedience lightly, especially if you have said to Him that you are His servant and you will follow him. That's a vow. God is very serious about vows. Jonah thought he was running from God but you can't run from Him. Running from Him means doing the opposite of what He told you to do. We see that God wouldn't give Jonah any peace in verse 4. Jonah thought if he slept he wouldn't know that God was there. God is everywhere! And when you disobey Him you may not only be causing yourself harm but those around you will suffer as well. Those that were on the boat with Jonah going to Tarsus were caught in the middle of Jonah's struggle with God. Have you ever struggled over what God has told you to do? Did you know you could harm others around you by your disobedience? God does this to get your attention so that you see that everything you do or don't do impacts more than just you. In verse 17 it's clear that Jonah wanted to die in order to get out of his assignment. God is the giver of life and death so He wouldn't let Jonah die.
Lesson #3 God does not care about your personal feelings or issues when He tells you to do something. Jonah refused to follow God's direction because he didn't like the people of Nineveh and thought they didn't deserve to hear from God. After being swallowed by the fish, we see that Jonah prayed his way out in Chapter 2. Truthfully, his heart hadn't changed. It doesn't matter if you have racism, sexism, agism, married/unmarried, cultural or any other type of issue against a person. If the Lord is saying you are to do something, get your feelings out of the way. God knew all about Jonah's heart and knew that Jonah didn't like the Ninevites but God was trying to show Jonah that the Israelites were not the only ones who could benefit from God's word. And that he must learn compassion and forgiveness. We see in chapter 3 that the Ninevites turned from their evil ways and submitted to the Lord. Jonah thought they didn't deserve to live and made it clear in Chapter 4. First and foremost we need to understand something from Isaiah 55:8-9.
8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Who are we to determine what God does and doesn't do? It is just for us to follow His directions. Not out of fear but out of Love and reverance for Him. But the only way that comes about is stated in lesson #1.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The word of the Lord came expressly unto Ezekiel the priest (Ezekiel 1:3). The heavens were opened and he saw visions of God (Ezek. 1:1). Ezekiel saw a magnificent vision of creatures with four wings and four faces being moved about upon wheels with eyes on their rims.
He heard the noise of the creatures wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of a host: when they stood, they let down their wings (Ezek. 1:24).
Above the firmament, that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne...and the appearance of a rainbow that was bright. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when he saw it, he fell upon his face and heard a voice of one that spake (see Ezek 1:26-28).
The spirit entered into Ezekiel and said, "I do send thee unto them (the children of Israel); and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear (refuse) for they ar a rebellious house, yet shall they know that there hath been a prophet among them. Be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks... (see Ezek. 2:4-6)
Then a hand appeared and gave him a scroll that was written all over it. He read it and was to share its contents with the children of Israel. "Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me" (Ezek. 3:17).
If Ezekiel fails to give warning and the wicked die in their sins, their blood will be on Ezekiel's hands, but if he gives the warning and the wicked refuse the warning and die in their sins, their blood is on their own heads and Ezekiel is absolved of his responsibility.
Also, upon receiving the warning, when the righteous turn from their righteousness and commit sin, their blood is upon their own heads, but if Ezekiel fails to give the righteous warning and they turn to sin, their righteousness shall not be remembered, but their blood will be on Ezekiel's hand.
Nevertheless, if Ezekiel warns the righteous and the righteous does not sin, though they die, because they heed the warning, both they and Ezekiel (the watchman) hath delivered their souls (see Ezek. 3:18-21).
In Matthew 24 when asked, "what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?," Jesus answered and said, "...take heed that no man deceive you. for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Then He goes on to describe the beginning of sorrows [nations rising against nation, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, saints being afflicted because of their faith in Jesus and because they keep the commandments of God (see Revelation 12:17 & 14:12).
As if that isn't enough, Jesus goes on to prophecy that many of the saints shall betray one another and false prophets will rise and deceive many. Sin will also increase and people's love will grow cold, but he that shall endure unto the end, shall be saved."
Here's the point to hand your faith, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:11-14).
With TV, radio, internet and the faithful, word of mouth, the gospel has been preached in places, some of which we don't even know exist. Our Loving Savior has promised a world of peace to us [not in this sinful world, but in the earth made new (see Rev.21:1 & Isaiah 66:22,23).
Rev. 22:20 "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen"
He heard the noise of the creatures wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of a host: when they stood, they let down their wings (Ezek. 1:24).
Above the firmament, that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne...and the appearance of a rainbow that was bright. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. And when he saw it, he fell upon his face and heard a voice of one that spake (see Ezek 1:26-28).
The spirit entered into Ezekiel and said, "I do send thee unto them (the children of Israel); and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God. And they, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear (refuse) for they ar a rebellious house, yet shall they know that there hath been a prophet among them. Be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks... (see Ezek. 2:4-6)
Then a hand appeared and gave him a scroll that was written all over it. He read it and was to share its contents with the children of Israel. "Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me" (Ezek. 3:17).
If Ezekiel fails to give warning and the wicked die in their sins, their blood will be on Ezekiel's hands, but if he gives the warning and the wicked refuse the warning and die in their sins, their blood is on their own heads and Ezekiel is absolved of his responsibility.
Also, upon receiving the warning, when the righteous turn from their righteousness and commit sin, their blood is upon their own heads, but if Ezekiel fails to give the righteous warning and they turn to sin, their righteousness shall not be remembered, but their blood will be on Ezekiel's hand.
Nevertheless, if Ezekiel warns the righteous and the righteous does not sin, though they die, because they heed the warning, both they and Ezekiel (the watchman) hath delivered their souls (see Ezek. 3:18-21).
In Matthew 24 when asked, "what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?," Jesus answered and said, "...take heed that no man deceive you. for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Then He goes on to describe the beginning of sorrows [nations rising against nation, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, saints being afflicted because of their faith in Jesus and because they keep the commandments of God (see Revelation 12:17 & 14:12).
As if that isn't enough, Jesus goes on to prophecy that many of the saints shall betray one another and false prophets will rise and deceive many. Sin will also increase and people's love will grow cold, but he that shall endure unto the end, shall be saved."
Here's the point to hand your faith, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:11-14).
With TV, radio, internet and the faithful, word of mouth, the gospel has been preached in places, some of which we don't even know exist. Our Loving Savior has promised a world of peace to us [not in this sinful world, but in the earth made new (see Rev.21:1 & Isaiah 66:22,23).
Rev. 22:20 "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen"
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