Saturday, January 30, 2010


As I lay in bed tonight, my thoughts went on facebook for some reason. Some time ago, I vowed that I would NEVER get a facebook page, because I wanted to be in close intimate relationship with my friends, either by face to face contact, telephoning or email (LOL). Then based on a chance request and morbid curiosity, I opened an account and subsequently, a can of worms (or snakes depending on one's perspective).

Hours were now spend in this new fascinating world. One day, my son, then 7 said to me, "mommy, you spend too much time on facebook." My heart pricked, as I knew this to be the case, but no one was holding me accountable for the use of my time, and besides, it helped me to get away from the demands of my day. With the strength of the Lord, I closed out the account that very day, less than three months into it.

While on Facebook, I reconnected briefly with friends from my schools in Guyana, Stella Maris Primary School and Bishops High School, and friends from my schools in Maryland, Montgomery Blair High School, Sherwood High School and the University of Maryland, College Park. Even one childhood playmate was on there. The introductions were brief, just enough to get caught up on our status in life [married or not, children or not, employed or not, etc.). There the connections stopped and communications waned.

I wanted to justify my "umpteen" hours on Facebook and wanted my time to be worth something, so my mission became to "evangelize" with links, quotes and access to this Heaven Bound Blog. After a while, it seemed like there was more juicy things going on to make my little tit-bits of any effect or interest. The request from my son made the decision so much easier to make, especially for my ego (self).

My prayer, however, is that at least 1 person was drawn closer to Jesus Christ as a result of something they read or saw; That at least 1 person began to prayerfully study the Bible more and at least 1 person made the decision to accept the salvation that comes through faith in Jesus Christ.

For there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over 1 sinner that repents. (see Luke 15:7,10)

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