Monday, January 12, 2009


Birth—Kindergarten Program

The work of the parents in the
homeschool begins at birth. Long before
formal schooling is started, you
are already educating your child.
“It is in the home that the
education of the child is to begin.
Here is his first school. Here, with
his parents as instructors, he is to
learn the lessons that are to guide
him throughout life—lessons of
respect, obedience, reverence, selfcontrol.
The educational influences
of the home are a decided power for
good or for evil. They are in many
respects silent and gradual, but if
exerted on the right side, they become
a far-reaching power for truth
and righteousness. If the child is not
instructed aright here, Satan will
educate him through agencies of his
choosing. How important, then, is
the school in the home!
“Upon all parents there rests
the obligation of giving physical,
mental, and spiritual instruction.
It should be the object of every parent
to secure to his child a well-balanced,
symmetrical character. This
is a work of no small magnitude
and importance—a work requiring
earnest thought and prayer no less
than patient, persevering effort.
A right foundation must be laid, a
framework, strong and firm, erected;
and then day by day the work of
building, polishing, perfecting, must
go forward.”*
The most important subjects
taught in these first years are Bible,
Character, Nature, and Practical
Work. It is best to leave the Reading,
Writing, and Arithmetic for a
later time when the child has developed
more mentally, physically, and
spiritually. When the child is more
mature, he will learn more quickly
and easily what would have been
difficult and frustrating at a younger
age. This method helps to encourage
a love of learning and the child
will catch up with or excel beyond
his or her peers.

We recommend the following:

Kindergarten/Pre-school – 0-7 years
First Grade – 8 years
Grades 2-8 – 9-14 or
15 years
Grades 9-12 – 15 or 16-19 years
Apprenticeship – 20-25 years
Curriculum Outline for Sonlight Education Ministry

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