Tuesday, October 21, 2008


My father shared a quote with me about a year ago, "God gave us parents to teach us and children to reach us--Cedric L. Barry" Little did I know how real that was going to become in my life during the months ahead.

In my experiences since then, this truth has been revealed time and time again. I've battled with the wills of my children and with my own, as a matter of fact. Like Job, Satan was only too willing to bring trials upon me to tempt me to curse God. He stirred up my children, which in turn, stirred up sins and passions in my own heart that were not reflective of a child of God.

There were two options available to me. One was to indulge those sinful feelings which would physically and emotionally hurt my children. The other was to recognize my humanity and surrender "self" to God and let him fight my battles.

I'm ashamed to say that I chose option one two weeks ago--to no avail. With only one other option remaining, I humbled my "self" and surrendered to the Lord last week. That involved prayer ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17), seeking godly counsel (Proverbs 11:14) and standing still (Psalms 46:10).

The atmosphere has been different in our home this week. It hasn't been such a stark contrast, otherwise I'd be tempted to become self-sufficient and lax. It's been different enough, however, that I see the hand of God working on my heart and the hearts of my children and as a result, my strength is renewed in hope.

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